Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Cambodia Relief Mission (CRM) 2009

In essence, what CRM09 is about:

  • 15 students from universities in United Kingdom and Ireland under the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia, Insya Allah are going to 7-8 villages in Cambodia.
  • The plan is to provide 3 types of relief, InsyaAllah (if God wills it) :

1. Medical relief - mobile clinics for free consultation, medical check up, antenatal advice and paediatric care.

2. Educational relief - provide basic knowledge regarding hygiene, child health care and

women's health.

3. Social relief - distribute donations of clothes, blankets, self care and dental care

products, books etc.

  • In 1,2,3. the student volunteers will assist the doctors in patient handling, take part in distributing leaflets and donations besides providing simple educative information to the villagers.

  • Community work - visit to homes of patients who aren't able to access our mobile clinics. - distribute donations to homes of villagers and offer what domestic errands we can help them with. - visit local schools and orphanages to help start reading corners for informal learning.

  • InsyaAllah, the team will arrive in Cambodia on the 24th of July and return home on the 5th of August 2009. Hence, we have about 2 weeks to carry out our relief projects.

  • We cannot avoid limitations of time, but we hope that insufficient funding will not stop us from delivering our best to provide for the poor and the needy.

  • Let us help you reach out to them. Donate to us, sponsor us, and put more meaning to your money. We need your help in ensuring success of this project.

  • p/s If you are in the UK and Ireland, we sadly cannot accept contributions other than in monetary form as we cannot afford to ship them home. However, if you do have contacts in Malaysia that we can approach to obtain monetary funds, dental care and health products, books, clothes etc, please do contact anyone of us in our crm 09 blog
Come watch our video!