Sunday, 23 May 2010

Wonderful Overseas Weekend 2010 !

Coming to study overseas this autumn???
Then, this weekend programme is a programme ESPECIALLY for you ;D
While this aims to help everyone be a little less clueless when they arrive overseas, it's also our big aim to let this be a checkpoint for everyone to meet new friends too. Hopefully, flying overseas will be less intimidating and you'll feel more WELCOMED. Register now and hopefully, you're gonna love it! ;D

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Throw it or Read it?

A teacher once asked me,

Would you throw away a letter sent to your mailbox without seeing who is it for?

And then, she asked, "Would you then throw it away if you see it's for you?"

She continued, "You then learn that it's from your mother. Or anyone else in your life that you know sincerely and truly cares about you. Would you then throw it away?"

I said "No." to all the above.

And then, she went to describe the letter. " Very well. You then read the letter. In it, your mother wrote, "I want you to read this letter carefully, my dear, for these are important things I want you to know." "

Had my mother really wrote like that I would have had goosebumps.

My teacher continued. "She writes about what could harm you and asked you to avoid it. She writes about what would make you happy and to seek it. Ever so frequently, she told you she loves you, cares about you."

"Think about how you would feel about this letter. This very personal letter."

"Now, think about this Book." She put her hands on the Qur'an. "This book is for everyone of us. Every single one. From Him who loves us even before anyone else could begin to love us and after everyone has forgotten us. Think about how we should take His advice and His warnings."

Amazingly enough, the very first thing He lets known of this 'letter' is..

"Read. In the name of your Lord.." Al-Alaq, verse 1.

Would we really read and understand what the Book says?

Friday, 22 January 2010

A love letter in sweet honesty.

To the Most loving...

You must love me because,

I need to wake up everyday knowing my parents are okay, I really do.

When I walk to school, I must not meet with an accident, I must not.

I need my limbs, my eyes, my mouth, my youth to be with me...they cannot be damaged, for that will be pain I cannot bear.

You cannot let anything happen to my brothers and sisters too.

That famine in Africa, natural disaster in Haiti and Indonesia..they are just not for me.

You have to love me, Allah, and protect me from all that. You must.

But, You have to understand that i can't love you the 'same' way.

You must understand that I cannot obey all your rules.

I have needs and I cannot be patient with all that rules.

I'm sorry, yes, but...what can i do?

You must love me and give me air, or I'll die.

You are the Most Loving, remember?

But You can't expect me to say thanks all the time. I forget easily.

I know I cannot live without your love, but You can without mine...

Lastly Allah...
I cannot stand the Fire..You must save me from it. I want to be a dweller of Paradise.


While this may not be the speech of the tongue, but it may well be the louder speech, that of our actions.

...too much?

Thursday, 14 January 2010

please help Haiti.

A massive earthquake hit Haiti around 5pm, January 12th 2010...

An estimated number of 45,000 to 50,000 people are dead.

Andy Gallacher
Andy Gallacher, BBC News, Haiti
Despite the promises of aid here there is still no sign of an organised relief effort.

Out in the streets of Port-au-Prince, the situation is now critical.

The voices that were being heard from inside the collapsed buildings have now fallen silent.

Haitians feel desperately alone, they are doing the best to fend for themselves but this is a place with no infrastructure.

People can only dig through buildings with their hands in an attempt to rescue any survivors.

You can help here.